XCOR Private Space Company - Part Two of Two Parts
Part Two of Two Parts (Please read Part One first)
Part Two of Two Parts (Please read Part One first)
Part One of Two Parts
Sputnik was launched when I was a kid. I have always been fascinated with space exploration and read a lot of science fiction. As I grew up, I watched the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.
And now for something completely different as the Monty Python crew liked to say. I usually try to be as accurate as I can in these posts. I welcome any feedback that will help me correct mistakes. However, sometimes you encounter what seems to be a really far out idea but a scientist is offering evidence for that idea.
I have been blogging about Mars lately. Mars is the planet most likely to be visited by astronauts. The human race has been fascinated by Mars for over a hundred and fifty years. There were plans after we landed on the Moon in 1969 to continue on with visits to Mars in the coming decades.