During a conference football game between Scottsdale high school rivals the Horizon Huskies and the Notre Dame Prep Saints, at least four bright lights appeared in the sky southeast of Horizon High School's football field.
The Huskies had just scored a touchdown when fans noticed the unusual lights in the sky. Four or five lights appeared, moving quickly across the sky. The coaches and some players witnessed the sight as well, although their main focus was the game, which the Saints eventually won.
When he saw the lights, Huskies' head coach Steve Casey joked to an assistant coach that the aliens had come to watch the two teams play. He saw four or five lights appear before one disappeared. Other witnesses also claim the lights would disappear and reappear, hover in the sky, and dance back and forth.
There are several theories as to the source of the lights. Some say the lights were common Chinese lanterns. Others attribute the lights to either helicopters or planes. I've even heard that the lights were from an Arizona skydiving team.
Whatever the source, the Oct. 28 sighting is not the first time that unexplained lights in the sky have appeared near a football game. On Sept. 3, the University of Notre Dame was playing the University of South Florida when a UFO was sighted. On Oct. 23, less than one week before the sighting in Scottsdale, an unidentified flying object was filmed by a television camera crew in New Orleans during the NFL's Sunday Night Football matchup between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts.