Long Ago and Far, Far, Away

Long Ago and Far, Far, Away

The pay-off from the space program, and from space science programs, and from all manner of telescopes, are the space photos, that in Stars War speak, are of a galaxy from "long ago and far, far, away."

World scientists have released on to the Internet and to the world, images from 13,l billion years ago -- Images of an ancient galaxy, the oldest and the most distant object in the universe, known to human observers. See the video.

Why is this worth mentioning? Why are these images so wonderful and good to see?

Borrowing a word from Mr. Spock, the images are "fascinating."


Because for what they reveal, and more important, for what they imply, which is mind expanding.;

Our science is pulling back the curtains, removing the veils of ignorance and superstition, and showing us without a doubt what a wondrous universe this truly is. Some are saying the existence of a 13.1 billion old galaxy challenges religion and undermines people's faith. As knowledge grows religion evolves. I know that knowledge challenges stagnant beliefs. I don't think that it undermines creation.