I recently posted a two part articles about a new type of engine that apparently defies the laws of physics. Most of the focus was on what is being called the EM engine. It is a sealed truncated cone that functions as a resonant cavity for microwaves. The unique feature of these engines is that they do not require any propellant. In the post, I briefly mentioned another drive based on similar principles called the Cannae drive. The Cannae company has made some announcements recently about their drive and future plans that I thought merited attention.
First of all, Cannae claims that their drive is not based on the EM drive design but rather their own proprietary design. They mention that it works on the basis of Lorentz Force imbalances but that is a phrase they coined to explain how the engine worked although their theories are not accepted by the physics community. In any case, the basic idea is that you can generate a measurable thrust by bouncing microwaves around in a metal cavity with nothing being expelled from the rear of the engine to push the craft forward.
Cannae says that its engine can generate thrust from a few micronewtons up to full newtons. As far as I know, to date, these engines have only generated thrust at the very low end of that range. Cannae says that the low power, mass and volume requirements in addition to the lack of a need for any propellant makes their engines ideal for small satellites. CubeSat sizes are based on an approximately four inch cube that is referred to as a Unit.
Cannae has tested and demonstrated a version of their engine that requires superconducting elements. They are currently working on another version that will not require superconducting components.
Cannae has partnered with Theseus Space have partnered to actually test the utility of their new engine in space. Theseus Space is going to launch a CubeSat with a Cannae engine aboard. The engine will be used to allow the satellite to maintain an extremely low Earth orbit below one hundred and fifty miles for a period of six months. The Cannae engine will occupy a volume of about one and a half Units and will consume about ten watts from solar panels to accomplish orbital stability or what is called "station keeping." If the tests are successful, Theseus will offer a commercial version of the Cannae engine.
Cannae has published their plan for a system of Cannae engines to be used in a deep space probe. They claim that their design can propel a spacecraft weighing forty four hundred pounds one tenth of a light year over a fifteen year period. Five Cannae engines will be used to provide the main thrust of eighty five newtons. Another three smaller Cannae engines will steer the craft, and two even smaller engines will control roll of the craft. They are also working on a "space freighter" design for use in Earth orbit.
Even though this engine appears to break the laws of physics, if they can get it to work as advertised, it will be a major break though in propulsion for spacecraft that will make the exploration and exploitation of space much easier and cheaper. Theories can be developed and revised later. However, I and many other people remain to be convinced.