November 2020

Comfort Foods For Fall

Whether it's while you bite your nails waiting for election results or you adjust to Daylight Savings Time and the colder temps, comfort foods are often a way to help us cope through the challenges of fall. The beauty of comfort foods is that they look different for each individual and vary widely.

Cozy Reads For Fall

Fall is a great time to curl up with a cozy book, whether it's a light and breezy romance or a mystery novel. I love a good paranormal or supernatural book with some light romance, or a good adventure or fantasy novel of the same vein. The Lunar Chronicles comes to mind as one of my top favorite examples. I also love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone books.

Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur

Many of us are prepping for this week's long, long, long election counts with some choice beverages. As a fan of Bailey's, I figured I'd procure some for the week but when I ran across Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur from a local distillery in Missouri, the state I love and the state that continues to disappoint me in terms of elections--hence the drinks!--I thought I'd try it. I'm so glad I did!
