The Great Chain of Being

During the middle ages, the idea of a chain of existence reaching from the Earth to Heaven was popular. The lowest levels was the mineral realm followed, in ascending order, by plants, animals, humans, angelic beings and, finally, God. So we are suspended between Earth and Heaven, inanimate matter and God, himself. The picture above is one of many from Medieval times depicting the Great Chain of Being.

First Looks At The Planet Mercury

NASA released on the web this week, on Tuesday, the first pictures of the planet Mercury from the Messenger space probe. This is American tax dollars paying back wonderfully, as America's space agency technology and scientists show us, and the world, what it looks like out there in space.

INMO, Mercury, with is craters, looks a bit like our moon. Well, a lot like our moon

Worst UFO Video

UFO 'flying over Naples' ?

ITN has a video on the net. A video that looks to me to be the worst video of a supposed UFO that I have ever seen, and I've seen many videos of supposed, and what looks like unexplained, UFOs.

ITN is a United Kingdom news channel, and the footage of an erratic, jittery light over Naples, Italy, which it has posted on the net, footage that the ITN news announcer claims is of an orbiting light, that has led to speculation about extraterrestrial activity over Italy, is pathetic. The footage is pathetic. The claim is pathetic.

I wonder who put ITN up to this? It is two days before April Fools day. Maybe somebody forgot today's date and put this blurry thing out on the net early? The thing looks like something a mischievous middle school kid did using photo shop. It looks so fake that funny is falling off of it.

Forward Into The Future

In times of financial stress space research is one of the first things to be cut back, as if space research and exploration is a hobby, an adventure play activity, to occupy the time of overgrown boys and girls, and not of the pursuit of serious people, and has little or any practical utility. President Nixon cut back space research following the Moon Landing in 1969, because he needed the dollars elsewhere. Maybe, if he hadn't, we would be further along in space exploration, discovery and knowledge, and in technology?

Last night the PBS News Hour did a segment on the Orion Spacecraft, and on its maybe bleak future? Bleak not because of science but because of the budget. Some people, a greater number than one would like, treat the American space program like it is a luxury that America can not afford.

It's the supermoon

This Saturday night, March 19th, as the sun goes down, the super moon will rise, the first time in twenty years. If one misses it, one will have to wait another nineteen or so years to see another one. So if one wants to see something rare and spectacular, go out doors tomorrow night and look at the sky.


What is the supermoon? Is it like the blue moon? No. The full moon? Well, no. The moon is full but -- according to NASA, the moon is super, the supermoon, because it wil appear about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal, Why? NASA says, because the moon's orbit is oval. Yeah? And?

And there is a point when the moon's closest orbital point to the earth and its full stage coincide to make it appear far bigger and brighter than usual. Oh?

Journey to Mercury?

One of my major joys -- scratch that . Well, don't scratch it, just hold it in thought.

One of the reason why I enjoy the Internet as much as I do is, because I get to see the views from space, which NASA provides. I am a full enthusiastic member of the space age generation. Yes, I was a kid when all the talk was about NASA's seven original astronauts, and about my generation, stepping out on a new adventure. An adventure, for the most of us, has been and will continue to, in the words of Rod Sterling, an adventure "of the mind and of the imagination." A most enjoyable adventure just the same, and a mind expanding and learning adventure.

Dogu Figures

Evidence of Japan's prehistoric alien visitors?

A few days before the big earthquake in Japan, I happened to stumble across an episode of a show on The History Channel called "Ancient Aliens" which discussed Dogu figurines in depth. I made a note to research them later, and now I can't help but wonder what has happened to these historical sites in the disaster. 

Dogu figurines are small fired clay statuettes of humanoid figures, which were made in the late Jomon Period of Japanese history, between 14,000 and 400 BC. The Jomon culture was a Paleolithic culture of hunter gatherers which settled in Japan and began to create the world's first example of pottery vessels.

There is a lot of variation in Dogu figurines, yet all of them share a similar set of qualities. Clearly these were something of a fad among the Jomon people, an artistic line that lasted for several thousand years. Most reputable anthropologists believe they are fertility symbols, or involved in fertility rituals. (But isn't that what they always say? It's the "tastes like chicken" of the anthropology world. When in doubt, write it off as a fertility symbol!)

More UFO Files Released

The Problem With UFOs: No One Wants To Believe?

And so the British government has released more UFO files? So the UK, New Zealand, The U.S? Who else? Who hasn't released UFO files?

I think that there is something to UFOs. I would like to believe that all UFOs are fake, or are explainable, and every UFO can become an identified flying object, perhaps a secret American air craft or a child's wayward balloon, but definitely not anything extra-terrestrial. But I suspect that all UFOs can't be easily explained away, as something from this planet or from people's imaginations..

UFO Sighted Over Vancouver, WA

On Sunday, February 20, 2011 a number of residents in Vancouver, WA sighted what they described as a "flying saucer." Several people phoned 911 and were directed to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, but so far no official reports have been filed.

The object was described as being extremely bright - bright enough to draw neighbors out of their houses to see what was causing it. It was also described as hovering soundlessly in the air, between 7 and 8PM.

What was hovering over SW 192nd Street in the Clear Meadows neighborhood last Sunday night? It did not appear on airport radar, according to the FAA. It hovered roughly in one spot, although it made "occasional side-to-side movements."

Send Your Face into Space!

Have you ever dreamed of lifting off into outer space? If so, Nasa is offering the 78th best thing - they will send a photo of your beautiful face with on the remaining few shuttle launches:

STS-133 launches between 02/24/11 and 03/07/2011

STS-134 launches between 04/19/11 and 04/29/2011

You could have your face up there among the stars as early as tomorrow!
