Cannae Announces Test Of Their Propellantless Engine

              I recently posted a two part articles about a new type of engine that apparently defies the laws of physics. Most of the focus was on what is being called the EM engine. It is a sealed truncated cone that functions as a resonant cavity for microwaves. The unique feature of these engines is that they do not require any propellant. In the post, I briefly mentioned another drive based on similar principles called the Cannae drive.

Sabotage Ruled Out In September 1 Explosion of SpaceX Falcon 9

         On September 1st of this year, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket exploded at Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral. The rocket was intended to carry a one hundred and ninety five million dollar Facebook satellite into orbit to extend the reach of the Internet to unserved areas in Africa. SpaceX lost another rocket earlier this year.

Software Defined Radios For CubeSats.

              My last blog talked about propulsion systems for CubeSats that used water as a propellant. These thrusters are a commercial product of a company called Tethers Unlimited. They have other products that are being marketed or being developed for space applications. One of these other products involves software defined radios for communication with and between satellites.

Space Tethers

       Over ten years ago, I attended a conference where there was a presentation on tethers for moving things around in space. I was fascinated. We tend to think in terms of powerful rockets for our current space propulsion and maybe someday warp drives that can overcome the speed of light. But here were people talking about using long cables to move things around in space.
