Nuclear Isotopes Could Melt Through The Icy Surface of Europa - A Moon Of Jupiter


Europa Clipper Diagram

        Recently I wrote about the shortage of plutonium-238 which is used to provide power to U.S. satellites on deep space missions. Today, I am going to write about a different use of nuclear isotopes for space exploration.

SpaceX Dragon Supply Capsules Are Contaminating The Outside Of The International Space Station


SpaceX Dragon Supply Capsule

      Potential contamination carried by space vehicles is a major concern to the public and private space industry. Satellites and space craft components are manufactured in clear rooms to prevent the possibility of biological contamination of astronomical bodies. However, recently a new type of contamination was discovered.

NASA Says There Will Be A U.S. Colony On The Moon In Ten Years

      There has been a lot of discussion in the media lately with respect to whether we should create a colony on the Moon first or send missions to explore and colonize Mars first. We have billionaires such as Elon Musk who are dedicated to getting human beings to Mars. National space programs have sent a lot of robot probes to Mars with a U.S. probe landing just a few days ago.

Chinese Developing Private Space Industry

       Until recently, the Chinese space program was government run. China opened up its space exploration and exploitation to private companies in 2014. In the last few years, private companies have entered the arena in China and are pushing hard to catch up to the private space industry that is thriving in the United States. Now there are eighty commercial Chinese space-technology startups.

SpaceLife Origins Is Working Towards The Delivery Of A Human Baby In Orbit

       There are many threats to human existence on Earth. There are inactive super volcanoes that could erupt and kill billions of people. Climate change is not as dramatic but does pose an existential threat. Comets or asteroids impacts could devastate the surface of the planet and wipe out the entire ecosystem.

Researchers At The University of Antwerp Study Brains Of Cosmonauts After Long Space Missions

        I have blogged before about the effects of space travel on human health. There are a variety of negative effects on different organs in the human body caused by either zero gravity or space radiation. Today I am going to report on a study of the brains of Russian cosmonauts following their time spent in orbit around the Earth.

Using Mirrors In Orbit To Illuminate The Earth's Surface

        A solar mirror is an object with a reflective surface that is used to reflect the light of the Sun. Solar mirrors have many uses such as concentrating solar radiation for heating or the generation of electricity. When placed in orbit around the Earth, solar mirrors are referred to as Space Reflectors (SR) and could provide illumination at night for a specific area.
