The sky is falling, the sky is falling

The sky is falling, the sky is falling

There's a leak in the atmosphere and oxygen from Earth is spilling into space. This could be a very bad thing for us Earthlings. The Earth's magnetic field keeps us from burning to a crisp when ever there are solar eruptions and things like that. But solar wind and other forces of nature are causing our oxygen to be sucked out into space through a hole in the North polar cap. This all sounds very scary in an end-of-the-world kind of way. But scientists tell us we have nothing to worry about. This isn't going to a problem until the Earth is much older and much hotter, like in a few billion years. This is a good thing because I have enough to worry about, Gamma Rays, giant meteors, an ever expanding universe that will someday tear, the list goes on. What's one little space fart from planet Earth?